Here is the recipe I used. Please note it was tweaked a little ad I baked them.
2 1/2 teaspoons (or one packet) yeast
1 1/3 cup warm water
2 Tablespoons butter (yes, we cook with real butter)
1 1/2 Tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 1/2 Tablespoons baking soda per 5 cups of water
Salt or garlic salt for the top.
Mix first 2 items. Let it sit for 10-15 min. Mix the next 3 items. Then add both of the flours.
You will have some flour left in the bowl. Kneed this into the dough. Kneed the dough for a few minutes until it becomes smooth.
Grease a bowl and put the dough in the bowl to rise until it doubles in size. Punch it down and then separate it into 12 pieces and roll out and shape your pretzels. Let these rise on a greased pan until doubled in size.
Fill a pot with water. Add 2 1/2 tablespoons baking soda per 5 cups of water. Heat the pot to just before boiling. Drop the pretzels into the pot and let them cook for a minute on each side. Briefly put them on paper towel, and then onto a greased pan.
Heat your oven to 450* and bake for 5ish minutes until the tops are golden brown or the color desired.
Here is my dough waiting to be kneaded with the remaining flour from the bowl.
My table. Getting ready to cut the dough after it has risen. I use a pizza cutter.
Waiting to be cut.
My imperfect dough pieces. How do you make a pretzel? I was asked this by my friend as she watched me. So I thought I would post it.
Make your snake.
Make a heart.
Pull one side down and smash it a little to make it stick
Pull the other side down and smash it a little.
Covered them in plastic and letting them rise.
Oops! This is boiling a little to much!

Sitting on a piece of paper towel. Do not let them sit to long or they will stick!

This is what it is suppose to look like. I smushed several of the pretzels so I could use them for lunch bread.

The original recipe said to bake them at 375* for 5-7 minutes. These were done, but not very brown. Plus they stuck to the greased pan.

These came out a little better when I set the temp higher. They are still not quite like the mall ones or the frozen ones you can buy, but they did taste pretty good!